Resultados: 3

Global health competencies according to nursing faculty from Brazilian higher education institutions

OBJECTIVES: to identify the agreement of faculty affiliated with Brazilian higher education institutions about the global health competencies needed for undergraduate nursing students' education and whether these competencies were covered in the curriculum offered at the institution where they were teach...

Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeiräo Preto da Universidade de Säo Paulo: Centro Colaborador da Organizaçäo Mundial da Saúde

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 1 (n.esp), 1993
Divulgar a Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeiräo Preto da Universidade de Säo Paulo enquanto Centro Colaborador da Organizaçäo Mundial da Saúde e oferecer contribuiçäo à sua história, registrando fatos atinentes à referida designaçäo, constituem os objetivos deste artigo. Partindo de referencial t...